Home > Artwork > Thangka Paintings
Thangkas: Tibetan-Buddhist scroll paintings
painted by Carmen Mensink
A selection of the thangka paintings created by Carmen and a ‘sneak preview’ of the paintings she’s currently working on.
Click on each image to see the name and click again to read more about the artwork and see the making of in pictures.
Padmasambhava is also referred to as the Second Buddha as without him we would not have Tibetan Buddhism
Naropa was an Indian Buddhist mystic who lived in the 11th...
The Infinite Power of all Buddhas
This extraordinary apsara, or dakini, flies happily through...
Ushnisha Vijaya (Tib.: Namgyelma) is one of the female...
The Eight Auspicious Symbols is the most famous set of symbols in Tibetan Buddhism.
This extraordinary mahasiddha, or yogi, flies happily...
From Passion to Compassion
The Buddha of Great Compassion
Stupa (Tib.: Chorten) represents the Enlightened Body, Speech...
with lotus flower and mantra
(Skt.: Avalokiteshvara) Buddha of Compassion
'Guhyasamaja' means 'Assembly of the Secret Ones...
This drawing of a Skull Mask is made on paper but...
(Tib.: dorje) Tantric ritual implement
Mandala of Chenrezig / Avalokiteshvara The Buddha of Compassion
The Vajrasattva practice purifies the mind, which is...
In Himalayan Buddhist Cham dances a lot of animal...
This beautiful yogi or mahasiddha flies happily th...
In Tibetan Buddhism, a wrathful deity is an enlightened being...
Learn to draw/paint a Buddha, Mandala or Symbols in the...
This beautiful lady swirls happily through the air and...
Earth - Water - Fire - Air - Space
This beautiful female deity personifies the wisdom of all...
This detailed drawing shows the Bodhisattva of Great Com...
Tibetan Buddhist Masks -just like in many cultures all over the...
The historical Buddha of our time
(padma) Symbol of the Spiritual Journey
The Mother of all Buddhas
This beautiful monk or mahasiddha flies happily...
Commissioning or buying a thangka
Carmen can paint you a thangka on commission. Any size is welcome and will be painted in consultation with you (including special dedications & blessings on the back) making it a very personal thangka. Traditionally, by commissioning a thangka, you will ‘bring the Buddha alive‘ which, according to Tibetan-Buddhism, brings on very positive karma and stabilizes your connection with the Buddha and the path to enlightenment, in this life and in future lives. Click here for more information on buying one of these thangkas or commissioning one.