Privacy Policy
Last updated: Dec 4, 2023
Carmen Mensink operates (hereinafter: ‘website’) and respects the privacy of the visitors of this website. The following version of this privacy policy is the only version that applies while visiting our website until a new version replaces the current version:
Website Content, Copyright and Contact
Access to and use of (all elements on) the website are strictly personal. You will refrain from using the data and information of this website for your own commercial, political or advertising purposes, as well as for any commercial offers, in particular unsolicited electronic offers.
All brands, images, texts, comments, illustrations (animated) images, video images, sounds and all the technical applications that can be used to operate this website and more generally all the components used on this website are protected by the laws on intellectual property.
Any reproduction, repetition, use or modification, by any means whatsoever, of all or just part of it, including technical applications, without the prior written permission of controller, is strictly prohibited. See also the copyright page.
The fact that Carmen Mensink may not take immediate action against any infringement, cannot be considered as a tacit consent, nor of a waiver of any right to prosecute the infringing party.
You cannot derive any rights from the imagery that accompanies any offered product on our website.
For questions, product information, information about the website itself or questions on copyright, please contact me.
Who am I?
Carmen Mensink is a sole proprietorship, operating from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
I am registered in the trade register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 34376875. I am the controller of your personal data.
What data do I use and how do I collect this?
The personal data (name and email) that is collected on this website (by my email marketing service) are used by mein order to maintain a relationship with you and send you newsletters. You also may receive commercial offers on my activities.
This data is only collected if you have have provided me with this information, and have given explicit permission for this by subscribing to the Newsletter (also called ‘Thangka Tickle’) or requesting information on the School for Tibetan Buddhist Art.
You can unsubscribe at any time (see your rights regarding your data).
I will process and use your data in a secure manner, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
For questions about your privacy, please contact me.
Who else receives your data?
I will not provide or sell your data to third parties.
Your rights regarding your data
1) Pursuant to Article 13 paragraph 2 sub b GDPR each data subject has the right to information on and access to, and rectification, erasure and restriction of processing of his personal data, as well as the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability.
2) You can at any time make a request to Carmen Mensink to view your data.
3) If you want to have your data adjusted, corrected or supplemented you can do so in your personal profile (see the link at the bottom of the newsletter) or by contacting Carmen Mensink.
4) If you want to have your data deleted you can unsubscribe from my newsletter (see the link at the bottom of the newsletter), or request unsubscription by contacting me.
Cookies are small pieces of information that are sent to your browser when you visit this website and are then stored on the hard drive or in the memory of the device with which you visit our website. These cookies will not damage your devices.
I use analytics services to enable and optimize this website, such as Google Analytic, that uses Anonymised Analytic cookies to obtain information regarding the visits to our website, like numbers of visitors, popular pages and topics. In this way I can improve my website, services and communication where necessary to the needs of our visitors. Icannot see who visits our sites or from which personal device the visit has taken place.
Applicable Law
These conditions are governed by Dutch law. The Court in the district where Carmen Mensink has her residency has the sole jurisdiction if any dispute regarding these conditions may arise, save when a legal exception applies.
Final provisions
If you have any questions about this statement or the way in which I use your data, you can contact me. If you have a complaint about the way I handle your data, please also let me know. You can also contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
Om Mani Padme Hum!
May everyone that visits this website receive all qualities of the Buddhas and reach the highest state of enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings.