Guided Meditations

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Guided Buddhist Meditations

Here you can listen to and/or download the meditations -Visualization meditations, Contemplation meditations and Mindfulness meditations- guided by Carmen Mensink during her thangka art classes.

3-Step Mindfulness Meditation

This meditation (in English) with which you develop your awareness and single-pointed concentration- consists of 3 parts:
1) Focusing on different parts of the body and the feelings and sensations that you feel in each part.
2) Focusing on the breath and the breathing process
3) Focusing on the ’empty space’ in between breathing out and breathing in


Shamatha Meditations (3x)

Three Different Shamatha meditatieons (in English) 
One of the many forms of meditation in Buddhism that is elemental is called ‘shamatha’, and was taught by the Buddha. It consists of various techniques with one purpose. Shamatha is meant to cultivate and refine your capacity for attention, to experience the deepest consciousness dimension (called ‘rigpa’ in Tibetan), pure awareness, primal consciousness, Buddha nature.
To achieve that state of consciousness you need a good method, and that is shamatha.
In one word it is about stability. Stable attention means that you can stay focused, without crumbling the focus of your attention. Shamatha development bears great fruit: your attention becomes more stable and clearer. Negative emotions such as contempt and disgust decrease, and are replaced by compassion and equanimity.


Shamatha Meditaties (3x)

Drie verschillende Shamatha meditaties (in het Nederlands) 
Eén van de vele meditatievormen in het boeddhisme die elementair is heet ‘shamatha’, en werd onderwezen door de Boeddha.
Het bestaat uit diverse technieken met één doel. Shamatha is bedoeld om je vermogen tot aandacht te cultiveren en te verfijnen, om zelf het grondbewustzijn te ervaren, de diepste bewustzijnsdimensie (in het Tibetaans ‘rigpa’ genaamd), zuiver gewaarzijn, oerbewustzijn, Boeddhanatuur.
Om die bewustzijnsstaat te bereiken heb je een goede methode nodig, en dat is shamatha.
In één woord gaat het over stabiliteit. Stabiele aandacht wil zeggen dat je gefocust kunt blijven, zonder dat de focus van je aandacht verbrokkelt. Shamatha ontwikkeling werpt grote vruchten af: De aandacht wordt stabieler en helderder. Negatieve emoties nemen af, zoals minachting en weerzin, en worden vervangen door compassie en gelijkmoedigheid.


Vajrasattva Meditatie

Vajrasattva meditatie (in het Nederlands) 
Vajrasattva (Tib.: Dorje Sempa) staat voor de zuivering van de geest, wat essentieel is voor iedereen die progressie wil maken op het spirituele pad.
De Vajrasattva-beoefening is zeer krachtig voor het zuiveren van de ‘negatieve blauwdrukken’ in onze geest en de onzuivere acties die we verrichten met ons lichaam en onze spraak die daaruit voortkomen. In alle vier Tibetaans boeddhistische scholen maakt de Vajrasattva-beoefening onderdeel uit van de voorbereidende beoefeningen.


Chenrezig / Avalokiteshvara Meditatie

Chenrezig meditatie (in het Nederlands) 
Chenrezig (Skt.: Avalokiteshvara) is de Boeddha van Mededogen en beschermheer van Tibet.
Zijn mantra is de bekendste van alle mantra’s in Tibet: Om Mani Padme Hum.
Zijne Heiligheid de Dalai Lama wordt gezien als een manifestatie van deze Boeddha van Compassie.



Green Tara Meditations

Three different meditations on Green Tara in English, recorded as M4a for listening and downloading. 
Green Tara is the Female Buddha of Active Compassion.
These meditations were guided by Carmen Mensink during her annual 10-day thangka painting retreat in Italy in 2018 (with subject ‘Green Tara & the 21 Taras’). For info on upcoming thangka art classes on Green Tara and other deities click here.

1) Green Tara Meditation

Type: Visualization meditation, front generation, no initiation needed. Duration: 42 min.

To Download this Green Tara Meditation Click Here

2) Green Tara Meditation with Italian translation
    Type: Visualization meditation, front generation, no initiation needed. Unfortunately the quality of the recording is not that good. Duration: 38 min.

To Download this Green Tara Meditation with Italian translation Click Here

3) Green Tara Protecting from the 8 Great Dangers/Fears Meditation
Type: Contemplation meditation. Duration: 41 min.

To Download this Green Tara Protecting from the 8 Great Dangers/Fears Meditation Click Here

4) Green Tara & the 21 Taras Meditation 
Type: Visualization meditation, front generation, no initiation needed. Duration: 41 min.

To Download this Green Tara & the 21 Taras Meditation Click Here


Meditatie op de 5 Elementen & Boeddha-Families

Meditatie op de 5 Elementen, chakra’s, kleuren, vormen, Boeddha-families en emoties in jezelf.
Carmen geeft regelmatig cursussen in het tekenen/schilderen van deze en andere Tibetaanse mandala’s.
Elke Boeddha heeft zijn of haar specifieke mandala, en de Mandala van de 5 Elementen kan gezien worden als de mandala van jezelf.

Voor informatie over komende cursussen klik hier

Meditatie op de 5 Elementen
    Type: Contemplatie-meditatie. Duur: 38 min.

Om deze 5 Elementen Meditatie te downloaden Klik Hier


Medicine Buddha Meditation

Meditation on the Medicine Buddha in English, recorded as M4a for listening and downloading. 
The Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of Healing and can be done for your own health or on behalf of other’s.
This meditation was guided by Carmen Mensink during her annual 10-day thangka painting retreat in Italy in 2017 (with subject ‘Medicine Buddha & Healing Plants‘). For info on upcoming thangka art classes on the Medicine Buddha and other deities click here.

Medicine Buddha Meditation 

Type: Visualization meditation, front generation, no initiation needed. Duration: 46 min.

Mantra of the Medicine Budda: “(Tayatha) Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha-Bekandze Radza Samudgate Soha

To Download this Medicine Buddha Meditation Click Here


Prajnaparamita Meditatie

Meditation on Prajnaparamita in Dutch, recorded as M4a for listening and downloading. 
Prajnaparamita is the female Buddha of Wisdom, de deified book Wisdom Sutras
This meditation was guided by Carmen Mensink during a private thangka course on Prajnaparamita in 2018.
Click here for more info on individual thangka courses in Amsterdam or at other places.


Prajnaparamita Meditatie
    Type: Visualisatie-meditatie, in de ruimte voor je, geen initiatie nodig. Duur: 46 min.

Om deze Prajnaparamita Meditatie de downloaden Klik Hier


Jambhala(Dzambhala) Meditatie

Meditation on Jambhala (Dzambhala) in Dutch and English, recorded as mp3 for listening and downloading. 
Jambhala is the most famous of the wealth deities.
Click here for an overview of all upcoming thangka courses in different countries



Jambhala (Dzambhala) Meditatie Nederlands
    Type: Visualisatie-meditatie, in de ruimte voor je, geen initiatie nodig. Duur: 41 min.
This meditation was guided by Carmen Mensink during a thangka course on Jambhala in The Netherlands in 2019.

Om deze Jambhala Meditatie de downloaden Klik Hier, en vervolgens op de drie puntjes erachter

Vasudhara Meditatie

Meditation on Vasudhara in Dutch and English, recorded as mp3 for listening and downloading. 
Vasudhara is the Female Buddha of wealth and abundance, she’s the consort of Jambhala.
Click here for an overview of all upcoming thangka courses in different countries



Vasudhara Meditatie Nederlands
    Type: Visualisatie-meditatie, in de ruimte voor je, geen initiatie nodig. Duur: 41 min.
This meditation was guided by Carmen Mensink during a thangka course on Vasudhara in The Netherlands in 2019.


Vasudhara Meditation English
Type: Visualization meditation, front generation, no initiation needed. Duration: 34 min.
This meditation was guided by Carmen Mensink during a thangka painting retreat on Wealth Deities in Sri Lanka in 2020.


Padmasambhava Meditation

Meditation on the Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) in English, recorded for listening and downloading. 
Padmasambhava, the ‘Lotus-Born’ is also known as the Second Buddha, for he has established the Buddhist philosophy in Tibet.
This meditation was guided by Carmen Mensink during her drawing Padmasambhava Weekend course in NYC in 2019. For info on upcoming thangka art classes on Padmasambhava the Medicine Buddha and other deities click here.

Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) Meditation 
Type: Visualization meditation, front generation with Om Ah Hum, no initiation needed. Duration: 30 min.
Mantra of Padmasambhava:Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum

To Download this Padmasambhava Meditation Click Here, and next on the three dots



More downloads:

Buddhist Animal Care

On this page you can download ‘The 5 Powerful Mantras’ (with explanations in English or Dutch) to help animals in their daily lives or at the time of death