June 20 / USA / NYC / INTRODUCTION TO THANGKA ART + Drawing Buddha Face

Home >  Courses  > Workshop ‘Introduction to Thangka Art with Drawing the Buddha Face’, June 20, 2025, Tibet House US

At Tibet House NYC, co-hosted by the Shantideva Center

Introduction to Thangka Art
Lecture + Drawing the Face of the Buddha

June 20, 2025 | 6-9PM | Tibet House | NYC


A beautiful evening with renowned thangka painter Carmen Mensink from The Netherlands, where after her lecture on the art of thangka you’ll get to experience it hands-on by learning how to draw the Face of the Buddha according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. 

This evening offers a great introduction on Tibetan thangka painting (Buddhist scroll paintings): through the lecture you’ll learn about the tradition of thangka art, how it came into existence, and the special place it holds within the Tibetan buddhist philosophy.

Drawing the Face of the Buddha the way it has been done for centuries is a meditative experience. If you’re a buddhist practitioner, drawing a Buddha is also a great help for your visualization meditation. The symbolism found within the Buddha Face will also be explained.

This evening is suitable for everyone, including beginners with no drawing experience whatsoever; Carmen will guide you individually.

The use of materials is included!

This is the first of three days Carmen Mensink teaches at Tibet House this year
Join the subsequent weekend course as well and create Milarepa, the most famous Yogi and Mysticus from Tibet, June 21+22, 2025

More Info & Registration


Date & Time:
Fri June 20, 2025

Workshop Fee:
Tiered pricing $ 60 / $80 / $100
(see registration link) including the use of materials*

*We have drawing paper, pencils, erasers and rulers for you to use. If you prefer to bring your own materials in addition, as well as colored pencils for example, please do so. You may also want to bring a notebook and pen to make notes during this class.


22 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10011