Home > Artwork > Thangka Drawings > Prajnaparamita

The Perfection of Wisdom
This beautiful female deity personifies the wisdom of all Buddhas.
Shakyamuni Buddha gave many teachings on the Perfection of Wisdom and these vary greatly in length. The longest is known as the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra in One Hundred Thousand Verses and its purpose is to show the practitioners on the Bodhisattva path how to train in the correct view of reality with the goal to fully awake from ignorance.
Prajnaparamita has four arms; the two hands in her lap touch each other and form the mudra of meditation, and in the other two hands she holds the Vajra and the texts of the The Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Prajnaparamita Sutra).
Drawing on paper
Copyright: © Carmen Mensink 2007
Status: For sale
A beautiful and old Prajnaparamita amulet card from Mongolia, that pilgrims used to carry with them.
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