Home > Classes > Upcoming thangka courses > Manjushri, the Buddha of Infinite Wisdom, Sep 23-25, 2022, Pratt Institute, NYC

Manjushri by Graham Dyer
Weekend Course at PRATT MANHATTAN
the Buddha of Infinite Wisdom
This weekend you will learn how to draw the beautiful Manjushri (Tib.: Jampel-yang), according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition or thangka (scroll paintings).
Manjushri embodies the wisdom of all the Buddhas, and therefore the attributes that he holds in his hands are an expression of this enlightened wisdom.
In his left hand he holds a lotus flower that supports the ‘Perfection of Wisdom-Sutra‘, an important Mahayana- text that reveals the methods for developing and achieving the ultimate wisdom in yourself.
In his right hand he holds a flaming sword, symbolizing the power of his wisdom to cut through the core of all our illusions, namely: ignorance. Because of our ignorance we experience all the problems in this life.
It is said that studying the Wisdom-Sutras and meditating on Manjushri are the two most powerful ways to develop wisdom in yourself.
In addition to drawing this special deity, this weekend course you will also learn all about the backgrounds and symbolism of Manjushri through presentations and lectures. In the mornings we will start with a guided meditation on Manjushri, and you will also learn the meanings of his mantra and work with it.
Thangka-drawing is a meditation in itself, and creates joy and inner peace.
Buddhist lamas say “When you draw a Buddha, you draw your own mind.”
If you are a Buddhist practitioner, drawing a Buddha can greatly be of benefit to your visualization meditation.
>>> Included in this course is a visit to the Rubin Museum of Art!

Beginners may opt for drawing the Buddha (Shakyamuni) this weekend instead of Manjushri, as this is an easier option.
More Info & Registration
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