USA / May 30+31 / Medicine Buddha / ONLINE WEEKEND COURSE

Home > Classes > Upcoming thangka courses > Online course Drawing the Medicine Buddha, May 30+31

THIS COURSE IS FULL BUT this same Medicine Buddha Thangka course will be online in the next few weeks through our School for Tibetan Buddhist Art, also in combination with its prerequisite course Drawing the Buddha Face!
To stay posted about the launch dates, please sign up for the Thangka Tickle email list.

Medicine Buddha
The Buddha of Healing

Learn to draw the Buddha of Healing according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition!

The original Medicine Buddha Course at Pratt Institute NYC will now be offered through Zoom on May 30+31st, 2020, from 10AM-5PM (EST / NYC Time)

To ensure the same in-depth experience as you would get in the onsite workshop Carmen will offer the same structure, with a clear meditations, lecture, instruction videos and of course her undivided time and guidance, in order for you to create your beautiful Medicine Buddha.
Included in this course is a package worth of $50 with all the materials that you need for this course, so you don’t have to buy art materials, paper, or print anything out.

NOTE that Registration for this course ends on May 10th., so Carmen has enough time to prepare and send out the material packs from Europe (as it could take up to 2 weeks to get to the US).


During this online weekend course (organized by Pratt Institute Manhattan), you will learn how to draw the Medicine Buddha according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. 

The Medicine Buddha (Tib.: Sangye Menla) is the embodiment of all healing activities of the Buddhas, which are associated with healing both physical and mental suffering.

His deep blue color is that of lapis lazuli. Traditionally this precious stone was used to symbolize what was purely rare. In addition, this deep blue light has a healing effect when you work with it through visualization meditations (which we will also do this weekend).

In his left hand the Medicine Buddha holds a begging bowl filled with medicinal nectar and fruit. In his right hand he holds the Myrobalan plant, known as the ‘King of Healing’, which is known for its effectiveness in treating both mental and physical diseases.

Drawing an enlightened image like this Buddha is a meditation in itself and creates inner calmness and joy.

Through a combination of drawing, lectures and meditations, this weekend you will learn all about the backgrounds and symbolism of Medicine Buddha, and experience the meditational way of  thangka drawing.
You will also learn the meaning of Medicine Buddha’s Mantra and learn how to work with it. Through this you will not only make a connection with the Medicine Buddha, it also give you drawing so much more depth.
If you are a Buddhist practitioner, drawing this Buddha image significantly improves visualization in your meditations.


You don’t need to have drawing experience, but if this is your first thangka course, it is very advisable to take the Buddha Face Workshop on May 7   as a preparation. NOTE: When you attend both courses, a Material Pack with all materials needed for both courses will be sent to you, but please allow 9-14 days for it to reach you (from Europe to US)

Advanced thangka students who have already drawn/painted the Medicine Buddha in one of Carmen’s previous courses may choose a different subject: the 8 Medicine Buddhas or Buddha Shakyamuni & the Aura of Six Perfections. If you want this please contact Carmen beforehand so she can prepare this for you.

medicine-buddha-drawing-asia medicine-buddha-color-pencils-thangka-student

Check out previous thangka classes in NYC: Drawing the Buddha Face,  Tibetan Amulet making class