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Gilding and painting of Buddha statues

Carmen Mensink can paint and gild your Buddha statues according to Tibetan-Buddhist tradition. Traditionally, on a bronze Buddha statue the face is painted (one rarely paints the complete statue), and this is done with pure gold and pigments. Here are a few examples of the Buddha statues painted by Carmen. Click on the image to see the name of the particular Buddha and click again to read more about the deity and the way it was painted.


Pleased with the work Carmen has done to my Vajrayogini

I am very pleased with the work Carmen has done to my Vajrayogini. She was very informative and was able to advise me on what way to go to get my inte...

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Pleased with the work Carmen has done to my Vajrayogini

I am very pleased with the work Carmen has done to my Vajrayogini. She was very informative and was able to advise me on what way to go to get my intended outcome. I would definitely recommend her for any delicate work of this nature.



Having your Buddha statue painted & gilded
To have your Buddha statue painted click here for more information
