Home – Blogs – 2018
All 2018 Thangka Art Blogs: Have a Buddhaful New Year | Bintan Island thangka course | The colors of Kyoto | Sacred Calligraphy in Japan | Staying in a Buddhist temple in Japan | Special workshop in Kyoto | Painting for the Dalai Lama | Creating a Tibetan Mandala at Museum Night
Singapore, Japan & Hong Kong
Have a Buddhaful New Year!
Amsterdam in the snow
This picture is taken on the yearly skate lane that is built in front of the Rijksmuseum.
Young Dutch Children learn to ice skate by using a chair, so they don’t fall.
After the skating hot chocolate, cookies, and green pea soup will be ready to warm up.
Singapore and Bintan Island thangka courses
Offering Goddess of Music (playing the lute) by Carmen Mensink, showing the painting process in steps
While it was snowing in Holland in the past month, I have been preparing the thangka courses that I will offer in Singapore and Bintan Island, early January.
In Singapore the subject of this year’s thangka weekend course will be Offering Goddesses, such as the Offering Goddess with Lotus and Mantra and the Offering Dakini of Music. These annual courses are organized by The Buddhist Library.
Bintan Island is a small Island in front of the coast of Singapore, that belongs to Indonesia. I’m invited by the ASC, the Asian Spiritual Classics, to offer a thangka course on Buddha Shakyamuni and White Tara.
Pictures of both courses will be added on the Thangka Painting Facebook Page
If possible schedule wise, I combine my thangka classes in Asia with a vacation.
This year I will be traveling to Japan after the classes in Singapore. I’ve been wanting to visit Japan and its culture, art and temples for a long time and this will be my very first visit, so exciting!
> During my stay here (mainly in Kyoto and Tokyo) I will be available for meetings with Buddhist centers, museums and schools/universities, who may be interested in hosting a Tibetan thangka course in the future.
Hong Kong
From Japan, I will board on a ship that will visit more places and islands in Japan, as well Taiwan after that. It will eventually embark in Hong Kong, where I will stay for another week. It must be a very interesting city and I’m looking forward to exploring it.
> During my stay in Hong Kong I will be available for meetings with Buddhist centers, museums and schools/universities, who may be interested in hosting a Tibetan thangka course in the future.