Early Bird Offer on Online Courses! / Program for Fall and Winter / Tara’s Birthday Celebration 🎉
Published less than a minute ago • 4 min read
Dear Reader,
How was your Summer?
I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have (we celebrated Tara’s sixth birthday!) see the pics in this newsletter.
Herewith I present you the course program for this Fall/Winter so far, with a 20% discount on upcoming online classes for Early Birds. Additional classes may be added later.
New in this newsletter is that the descriptions of some courses offered in The Netherlands will be written in Dutch and some of those in Italy wil be in Italian, as that’s where the majority of the students will be from.
Students from other countries than these do regularly join though! Especially at the upcoming one offered in Venice, as it can be combined with vacation in Italy and a visit to the Art Biennale. I’ve heard it’s a good one this year.
If students need translation (in any language) I’m happy to provide them with it for the lectures, meditations etc. so they can read along with me, whether I teach in Dutch or English.
Oct 20, 2024
Learn about the tradition of thangka art, how it came into existence, and the special place it holds within the Tibetan buddhist philosophy.
After this you’ll get to experience it hands-on by learning how to draw the Face of the Buddha.
Tijdens deze vierdaagse cursusleer je deze prachtige figuur te tekenen (en wellicht te kleuren of later te schilderen).
Je ontvangt je de grids van twee verschillende vormen van Guan Yin: staand en zittend.
Guan Yin is te vinden in diverse boeddhistische tradities van China, Japan, Korea en Vietnam. Ze is een vorm van Avalokitesvara (Tib. Chenrezig), de mannelijke bodhisattva van mededogen.
Erg interessant aan haar verhaal is hoe ze door de eeuwen heen transformeerde van een mannelijke naar een vrouwelijke vorm, en uiteraard kom je hier ook alles over te weten.
Nov 7-10, 2024
Durante questo corso di quattro giorni imparerai a disegnare questa bellissima figura (e magari dipingerla).
Riceverai le griglie di due diverse forme di Guan Yin: in piedi e seduto.
Guan Yin si trova in varie tradizioni buddiste di Cina, Giappone, Corea e Vietnam.
È una forma di Avalokitesvara (tib. Chenresi), il bodhisattva maschio della Compassione.
Molto interessante della sua storia è il modo in cui si è trasformata dalla forma maschile a quella femminile nel corso dei secoli, e ovviamente imparerai anche tutto su questo.
Starting Nov, the following courses will be offered online at the School for Tibetan Buddhist Art.
You will get 20% discount on the following courses and course bundles when registering before Oct 14, and filling in the code EARLYBIRD20 on your checkout page (under the Order Summary).
Start your thangka journey here and learn to draw the Face of the Buddha according to the Tibetan thangka tradition. No drawing experience needed.
A very rich course that can also be purchased in a bundle with the White Tara course.
Learn all about the Buddha of Longevity and how to draw her according to the Tibetan Thangka tradition.
This in-depth course that can also be purchased in a bundle with the Buddha Face course (prerequisite).
The Eight Auspicious Symbols on separate pieces pf paper
The Eight Auspicious Symbols, each in a lotus petal in the mandala
The Eight Auspicious Symbols
Nov 22, 202 –
Feb 2, 2025
A very rich course in ten weeks, where you’ll learn to create a new symbol each week. They can either be drawn/painted as separate symbols or in a mandala (or both!). No drawing experience needed.
This in-depth, rich course can also be purchased in a bundle with the Colouring Techniques course.
NOTE: All videos at the School for Tibetan Buddhist Art offer subtitles in English, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish and French.
If you prefer them in any other language, just contact us.
Summer in Amsterdam ☀️
After months of teaching almost non-stop, including the thangka summer retreats that I gave, I had some time for myself.
What I’ve been doing
I never go on on vacation in the Summer as I love spending it where I live, here in Amsterdam.
The vibe is great and there’s so much to do, from plays and music in the parks to art shows and festivals and boat trips on the canals (I bought a foldable kayak for this).
Those who know me know that I play theatre and sometimes paint faces in addition to thangkas 😃, such as the make-up for drag kings and queens during the Pride. And I love dressing up for special occasions myself, like I did for the festival below.
What I’ve been reading
This book is currently on my coffee table!
Mindful Living is a beautiful book with great pictures written by Anjie Cho -my long time student and friend from NYC- and Laura Morris.
Mindful Living invites you to explore the many paths to living mindfully with feng shui.
Much more than just rearranging your furniture or painting a door in a different color, this book is rather about connecting to our hearts, our home, the land, and the world we’ve inherited as a whole.
Read more at the Mindful Design Feng Shui School
What I’ve been celebrating
On Aug 25 we celebrated Tara’s sixth birthday, hurray! 🎉
Such a big girl! She’s been with me since she was two years old.
Tara’s birthday was celebrated with cakes and of course the birthday girl was given some tasty snacks, as well as a few new toys.
Still got any questions on the course program above?
Just contact me by replying to this email.