Which Thangka Painting Retreat do you want to join this year? 🌷

Wheel of Life

Which Thangka Painting Retreat are you joining this year?

The Art of Thangka can be best learned and practiced in a retreat setting – a place where you’ll also stay and where dinner is served to you so you can fully focus on your drawing/painting. In addition there’s time to bond and socialize with other students, make long walks or do some sightseeing (Florence, anyone?).

In a retreat week you can also learn to work with the traditional thangka painting techniques, so it gives a much deeper experience than a day class or weekend workshop.

All retreats offer different subjects to choose from and are suitable for all levels, including absolute beginners.

This year I’m offering three retreat weeks; in Italy, the US and in The Netherlands, which one do you choose?

Read this description in Italian or another language / This retreat is taught in

English, translation in Italian or any other language is provided on request

Thangka Painting Retreat Italy

Tuscany, near Florence

May 10-17
Different subjects to choose from

In this wonderful 8-day Thangka Retreat in Italy you will learn to draw (and color or paint) a Buddha or Mandala according to the Tibetan Buddhist thangka tradition.
Suitable for everyone, from beginners to advanced.

A comfortable stay with full board is included, and apart from the art sessions you will learn so much more through the lectures, meditations and movies that are offered. And of course there’s free time to visit Florence.

This retreat can be joined for six or eight days. The longer retreat will give you an even

more in-depth experience.

Thangka Painting Retreat USA Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY

Jun 29 – Jul 4 / 6

Buddhas of Compassion

In this wonderful 6 or 8-day Thangka Retreat during Arts Week at Omega Institute you will learn to draw (and color or paint) a Buddha of Compassion (such as Chenrezig or Guan Yin), according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
Suitable for everyone, from beginners to advanced.

A comfortable stay with full board is included, or stay near in the sweet town of Rinebeck.

and apart from the art sessions you will learn so much more through the lectures, meditations and movies that are offered. And of course there’s free time to visit Florence.


🇺🇸 Read this description in English or another language
This retreat is taught in Dutch, translation (any language) is provided on request

Thangka Zomerretraite
The Netherlands

27 juli t/m 3 aug
Het Levenswiel en andere onderwerpen
The Wheel of Life and other subjects
In this wonderful 6 or 8-day Thangka Retreat during Arts Week at Omega Institute you will learn to draw (and color or paint) a Buddha of Compassion (such as Chenrezig or Guan Yin), according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
Suitable for everyone, from beginners to advanced.

List of all upcoming classes

Amsterdam and Veluwe

ITALY Tuscany

USA East Coast

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me and reply to this email.

Here some pictures of last year’s
Thangka Painting Retreat in Tuscany

Got any questions?
Just reply to this email.

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