Home > Classes > Upcoming thangka courses > Evening Lecture, Bologna, Italy
BOLOGNA – Evening Lecture
‘Introduction to Tibetan Art & Thangka Painting’
> The lecture is given in English and will be translated in Italian
In this Lecture Carmen Mensink will talk about Tibetan Buddhist Art and thangka painting.
At the end there will be time for questions and answers and Carmen will show one of her traditional thangka paintings that she has brought with her.
> Download the flyer for the Tibetan Art Classes in Bologna here
This evening will be a perfect introduction to the workshops ‘Drawing the Buddha Face’ the next evening 15 nov. in Bologna.
If you want more you can come to the annual Thangka Painting Retreat, 2-11 june 2017 near Arco, Northern Italy.
Info & Registration
Date: Monday nov. 14, 2016: 20.00 – 21.30
Price: please offer a donation
Where: Centro Studi Cenresig, Via della Beverara 94/3, Bologna
Website: www.cenresig.org
Registration: Please register with Elisa Macci a.s.a.p.:
Send an email to Elisa: elisamacci@virgilio.it (in Italian or English) or call 370/3064448
Il Centro Studi Cenresig è affiliato alla Fondazione per la Preservazione della Tradizione Mahayana (FPMT) e membro dell’Unione Buddhista Italiana (U.B.I.)