Online / EIGHT AUSPICIOUS SYMBOLS / Nov 10, 2023-Jan 21, 2024 / 20% EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!

Home > Classes > Upcoming thangka courses > ONLINE at the School for Tibetan Buddhist Art | The Eight Auspicious Symbols 

The Eight
Auspicious Symbols

For Spiritual & Material Well-Being
Nov 10, 2023-Jan 21, 2024

In this in-depth ten-week course you will learn to draw the most famous Set of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols according to the Thangka Tradition. You can create them as eight separate drawings or as a mandala (or both!):

  • Suitable for people with and without drawing experience
  • Each week a new module with a new symbol opens up to you, keeping the previous ones for you open to catch up if needed
  • As these symbols are often created for the Tibetan new year, this course takes you into the new year, welcoming the prosperous year ahead
  • Suitable for all time zones as you schedule your own time for this course within its ten-week availability
  • The average student takes 3hrs (b&w drawing) to 6hrs (full color drawing) to complete each weekly module with its symbol
  • Besides the drawing aspect, this course includes Meditations, Mudras, Dharma teachings and Lectures on the background and iconography of each symbol
  • During the course Carmen will be fully available for personal guidance, advice and comments on your artwork
  • This course has a limited amount of students to ensure its high quality and Carmen’s guidance

This course can be purchased as a stand-alone, or in a course bundle (cheaper) that includes the Colouring Techniques course

















The Eight Auspicious Symbols
10-week Thangka Art Course | Nov 10, 2023-Jan 21, 2024

The Eight Auspicious Buddhist Symbols are derived from a group of early Indian symbols of royalty which were presented at ceremonies (such as the coronation of a king).
Besides being decorative, these symbols are seen as an auspicious sign of spiritual and material well-being. As it’s such a popular symbol among Tibetan Buddhists it can be found in most homes and as well as in monasteries.
No drawing experience is needed.

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The Eight Auspicious Symbols

The Eight Auspicious Symbols + Colouring Techniques