20% Early Bird Discount on all upcoming Online Thangka Art Courses! 🎉

20% Early Bird Discount on all upcoming Online Thangka Art Courses! ?


This temporary 20% discount is not only valid for all stand-alone courses that are scheduled this year, but also for all course bundles that include one of them:

How to claim your discount ​
1) Click on one of the buttons above or go to the School for Tibetan Buddhist Art to sign up for a course or bundle

2) Use the code 20%OFF at the Add Coupon Code on your checkout page – and you’re all set!

Prefer to join an Onsite Thangka Course?

Then sign up for one of the following courses:

Thangka Art Retreat

Netherlands, 5-12 Aug​​

Learn to draw and paint Buddhist art and enjoy lectures, meditation and free time with like-minded people.
Suitable for students on all levels. Including lodging and all meals.

Thangka Art Retreat

USA, 24-29 Sep​​

Learn to draw and paint Buddhist art and enjoy lectures, meditation and the beautiful premises of Omega Institute with like-minded people. Suitable for students on all levels. Including lodging and all meals.

As students are on different levels and thus will be working on different subjects please contact Carmen after your registration about it (by replying to this email for example)

Course in NYC​
I will offer a weekend course on
Manjushri (Buddha of Wisdom) in NYC on Oct 6/7/8. Save the date for now, and I’ll tell you more about it soon.

Thangka Art Course

Venice, Italy,
26-29 ​Oct

I’m so happy to announce that we can organize this four day thangka drawing course in the most beautiful city in the world again! Held in a traditional Venetian Palazzo on one of the canals, with beautiful views.


Got any questions?
Just contact me by replying to this email.
