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(Spiritual) Shows, exhibitions & fairs
Carmen regularly shows and sells her art at different events such as Spiritual fairs, World Fairs, Tibetan and Buddhist Fairs, in different places both inside as well as in the open air.
She creates a beautiful booth, and sells not only her artwork (in the form of thangkas, framed artwork, cards, bookmarks, stickers, pendants etc.) but also Buddhist jewelry and amulets that she brings from her travels.
Shows & fairs joined by Carmen & her artworks:
- Lotus Fair, Houten, The Netherlands
- Buddhist Film Festival, Groningen, The Netherlands
- Tibetan Fair, Philadelphia, USA
- Happinez Festival, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Dalai Lama visits, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Buddhism Festival, Leiden, Netherlands
- Rubin Museum Block Party, New York, USA
- Alternative Fair, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
- World Fair, Leiden, The Netherlands
On most shows & fairs Carmen also offers lectures, thangka painting demonstrations, workshops, or simply explains the art of Thangka Painting to the visitors, with a lot of enthusiasm.
Rubin Museum of Art Block Party, NYC
Announcement of a lecture on Tibetan Art at the Happinez Festival
With her main assistant Romeo
Explaining Tibetan Buddhist Art and offering thangka painting demonstrations at the annual RMA Block Party in NYC
A few upcoming fairs that Carmen will be part of:
- Wereldfair, Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden, The Netherlands, 16 mei 2016
- Block Party, Rubin Museum of Art, NYC, July 17, 2016