Buddha Face Thangka Art Course

Show me your Buddha

…and let’s create our own Inspiration Gallery!
Thank you for joining this edition of The Buddha Face Thangka Art CourseI hope you loved it as much as I loved offering it. If you have suggestions on how to improve it please contact me about it.

I CAN’T WAIT to see the Buddha Face that you’ve created, and I’m sure the other students would love to see it too!
Below I collect all artworks (also if they are not finished yet) so I can create a beautiful Inspiration Gallery for you.
The Gallery will stay on this website, so it will be a beautiful memory and you will keep on having access to it after the course is finished. I will send you an invitation for its opening, so we can virtually raise our glasses to it!

This is what I need you to do here: 1) Share a picture of your Buddha Face (or even better YOU with your Buddha) and 2) let me know what you loved about the course:
