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The Eight Auspicious Symbols – Artworks and Testimonials
by the students of Carmen Mensink
An overview of the drawings and paintings created by Carmen’s students during the online Eight Auspicious Symbols Thangka Art Course at the School for Tibetan Buddhist Art.
The Eight Auspicious Symbols is the most famous set of symbols in Tibetan Buddhism, consisting of the Eternal Knot, Pair of Golden Fishes, Umbrella, Lotus Flower, Victory Banner, Treasure Vase, Conch Shell and the Dharma Wheel.
For the visits of HH. The Dalai Lama (such as the ones in 2009, 2014 and 2018), Carmen was asked to paint large versions of these symbols to welcome the Dalai Lama in her home country The Netherlands.
Join The Eight Auspicious Symbols Thangka Art Course
You can learn how to draw or paint the Eight Auspicious Symbols according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition during the annual Thangka Retreat Weeks in The Netherlands, Italy and the USA, or take it as an Online Eight Auspicious Symbols Thangka Art Course. This subject is offered to students on all levels -also those without any drawing experience whatsoever!
Can’t wait to start your thangka journey? Join the Buddha Face Thangka Art Course today!
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