Decorating an orphanage in Nepal

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Decorating an orphanage in Nepal with the children

These pictures were taken in a new children’s home in the (mostly Tibetan) village of Boudhanath, Nepal, where Carmen spent some days in 2006. The building was brand new, there was nothing on the wall and therefore had a very clinical look that the children find boring.

Carmen thought it would be a nice idea to decorate it together with the Tibetan orphans, in order for them to feel more at home and bring some joy. She designed a painting with flowers made from the hand prints of all children, so they literally left their marks on the walls in their teaching hall.

The simple design appealed to the children, with a Tibetan landscape with mountains, lakes and stupas, a happy sun, animals and many flowers.

Leaving them with all materials and instructions, the idea is for the painting to grow, and every new child at the orphanage will add their own hand flowers to feel more at home.

Click here to see more pictures and read more stories of Carmen’s travels to Nepal